Looking to stay connected with Lakeland Aviation? Stop back often for the latest updates from your favorite FBO.
Fall FBO Hours
Beginning Sept. 7, 2021 Mon-Thurs & Sat: 8am-5pm Fri & Sun: 8am-6pm
Young Eagle Airplane Rides
Young Eagles offers free airplane rides to youth, ages 8-17! Lakeland Aviation and Lakeland Area Pilots Association welcomes kids to participate in an introductory flight at Lakeland Airport, Arbor Vitae Saturday, Sept. 11 9am-Noon Sunday, Sept. 12 Rain Date The Young...
2021 Summer Hours
Welcome back to the Northwoods. Our summer hours will begin Thursday, May 27th.
Now offering Pitot Static System Certification!
Aircraft Maintenance at Lakeland Aviation is now offering Pitot Static System Certification! Contact our Maintenance Staff to schedule a convenient time to keep your system current.
New gates at The Lakeland Noble F. Lee Airport!
New gates at The Lakeland Noble F. Lee Airport! The long-awaited fence project at the airport was completed in 2020. The fence encompasses the entire property and the two entrances have motion activates gates for easy access.
Welcome International Air Charters!
Welcome International Air Charters! IAC is a new Part135 operation with aircraft positioned at Lakeland Airport to service your travel needs. 906-828-2280
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